Latest Draws

Big Breaking: Canada Held New Draw for Transport Occupations

Canada just announced an Express Entry draw for Transport Occupations. 670 candidates were invited with scores starting at just 435 CRS points in the new category-based draw.

The CRS cut-off in the new draw was slightly higher than the Trades draw one day before, which required at least 425 CRS points. The reason is likely tied to the smaller number of candidates invited.

Background of Transport Occupations Draws

This is the second Transport draw ever. The first was held on September 20. This is now the third draw this week following a general draw on Monday and a Trades draw on Tuesday. In total, there have been six draws in December after Canada held no draws during November.

Jump to: Canada Holds Massive STEM Express Entry Draw

List of Nocs (occupations) Under Category-based Draw for Transport Workers

Occupation2021 NOC code2021 TEER category
Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors932003
Transport truck drivers733003
Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators726042
Engineer officers, water transport726032
Deck officers, water transport726022
Air traffic controllers and related occupations726012
Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors726002
Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors724042
Railway carmen/women724032
Managers in transportation700200

If you get selected for this draw, you will get an email from IRCC. Keep an eye on your inbox sometimes it will take up to 24 hours.

Express Entry draw analysis based on today’s category-based draw

Only two transport draws have ever occurred. Despite inviting 1,000 candidates, the first draw on September 20 had a minimum CRS cut-off of 435.

The pool of high-scoring applicants eligible for Transport draws may not have increased considerably if the CRS remained the same in this draw, where 670 candidates were invited.

If it had expanded, we would anticipate that a CRS score that was greater would result from inviting just 670 candidates.

For More Details: Click Here

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